Press Coverage

Some of my work has also received some press coverage. Here is a list:

  1. Memes are to make you laugh; what if they spread disinformation?

    Spoke to a reporter at The Quint about memes and misinformation. Watch video here

  2. Indian Women in Science Struggled Even Before the Pandemic. Now, Things Are Much Worse

    Quoted in an article in HuffPo. Read here

  3. Beware the Dark Trio!

    Our paper covered in an article in the newspaper Alittihad. Read here

  4. The Life of Science Webinar on COVID19 straining gender dynamics among Indian scientists

    Panelist on a webinar by The Life of Science, covered in The Wire’s YouTube Channel. Watch here

  5. How I pursued psychology with an undying passion in Editage Insights

    Profiled in an article on Editage. Read here

  6. Down the rabbit hole of donation shaming

    Spoke about social media and donations to a reporter over at The Ken. Read here

  7. Using data-driven psychological research to find out more about Indians

    Profiled in an article in The Wire. Read here. Also on The Life of Science. Read here

Arathy Puthillam
Arathy Puthillam
Graduate Student

My research interests include social, moral, and political psychology.